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3 Quick & Easy Tips To Deodorize Your Smelly Washing Machine

June 6th, 2014
Day in and day out, your washing machine works hard to clean and deodorize your clothing, towels, linens and personal items. But sometimes your washer can, in turn, get a little stinky itself. Why not show it some TLC?
If your washing machine is smelling a little worse for wear, you can try one of these three super simple tips to get it smelling fresh again:
Tip #1: Without adding in any clothes or linens, run a full hot water cycle in your washer and add 3 cups of white distilled vinegar to powerfully clean out any lingering bacteria which may be leaving behind an odorous trail in your machine. To keep that musty smell from returning, you can occasionally add 1 cup of white distilled vinegar to a your load of towels and wash on hot. Not only will the vinegar not harm or discolor the towels, but it will help to disinfect them for a powerful clean!
Tip #2: To keep musty, moldy smells away, you can occasionally run a chlorine bleach load with hot water on your weekly load of whites. Though you only need to run the bleach once a week, your whites and your machine will come out sparkling clean and fresh-smelling.
Tip #3: Did you know that certain types of washing machines use different types of specialty detergents? If you have a HE (high efficiency) washing machine, you can’t use regular detergent – you’ll need to use special high efficiency machine detergent. Using regular non-HE soap detergent can leave behind a filmy soap scum residue that can build mildew and leave a bad odor behind, so make sure you’re using the right type of detergent for your washing unit!