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To Freeze Or Not To Freeze? We Have The Answer!

October 7th, 2015

While there are countless food items you can save long-term in the freezer, and while freezing can help you in lengthening the life of certain foods you might not be able to eat straight away, there are also a number of items that don’t fare well in the freezer at all.  In fact, many foods can lose shape, taste, texture, or even go bad while in the freezer!

For example, if you’re looking to store some leftover fried chicken in the freezer, think again! Once frozen and thawed, the fried breading will be totally soggy and lose that delicious crispy crunch you loved in the first place. However, if you’ve stumbled onto a great sale on butter at the local grocery store, stock up—you can store butter in the freezer for up to 6 months!


Curious to hear what else you should and shouldn’t keep in the freezer? Below, here is a list of non-obvious foods you can freeze and a list of foods you should probably not store in the freezer:


Fresh herbs
Chocolate (refrigerate first to get cool)
Bread (double bag to prevent freezer burn)
Under-cooked pasta
Homemade cookies
Berries and nuts


Hard-boiled eggs
Leafy greens
Fresh fruits or vegetables containing high water content (i.e. cucumber)
Pies or desserts with crumb toppings
Previously frozen and thawed food items
Fried foods
Sour cream or yogurt

Have any questions about what you should or shouldn’t freeze? Leave a comment!

If your freezer not cooling properly or is your fridge acting up? Give Immediate Appliance a call at 1-800-323-3023 today.
