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10 Genius Organizing Tips For Your Kitchen

June 23rd, 2014

Chances are, there’s a lot of stuff in your kitchen. And we mean a lot. From food to storage bags to utensils to random supplies to ingredients to spices to… Well, you get the idea. But fret not, ye overwhelmed and disorganized masses, for we have the answer by way of these 10 totally genius and creative organizing tips for your kitchen that’ll leave you wondering, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

1. Use transparent, small lidded containers for the junk drawer.

2. Store measuring spoons in a jar by the stove so you can quickly and easily find them when you’re ready to bake.

3. Tape magnets on the inside of wrap dispensers (plastic wrap, wax paper, tin foil, etc.) so you can store on the side of the fridge and save on drawer space.

4. Use an inexpensive magazine holder and 3m hooks to store your cutting boards in a cabinet.

5. Load your silverware by like item in the dishwasher to make unloading and organizing a breeze.

6. Store cooking instructions in glass containers with the food on the underside of the lid.

7. Hang a whiteboard near the refrigerator to keep organized, write quick reminders, and broadcast shopping lists or expiration dates.

8. Keep Band-Aids in the kitchen in case of knife or sharp-utensil related emergencies.

9. Use a plastic salad container in the freezer to hold small food items in Ziploc bags.

10. Tape your most-used recipes on the inside of your cupboard door.

