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5 Quick Tips To Prep Your Home For Holiday Guests

October 3rd, 2014

It’s officially October, which means Halloween – not to mention Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas – is right around the corner!

And every autumn, with every holiday, come the guests: Thanksgiving dinner guests, treat-or-treaters, and family members for gift-giving and merry-making. But having guests during this time of year can either light up your home with laughter and energy, or spell disaster if you’re not well-prepared.

To get you in the guest-hosting spirit, here are some surefire tips to keep your home prepped and ready for all the folks who will be stopping by over the next few months.

1.) Replace blown-out bulbs lining the walkway to your house so trick-or-treaters and incoming family members can find their way in the dim autumn evening light.

2.) Not enough closet space in the hallway? A portable clothes rack in the entryway to your home will be a great place for guests to hang their coats and scarves.

3.) The holiday season can be a bit disastrous for your furniture. Treat fabric-covered furniture with protective spray like Scotchguard so spills don’t become stains.

4.) A hollowed storage ottoman or two in the living room can be a great and easy way to provide extra seating for house-guests, as well as an extra space for storing drinks, gifts, and more.

5.) Signal the end of candy-dispensing by letting trick-or-treaters know when your home is open or closed for candy business. Prep your door with an “Out of Candy” sign that you can hang up with you’re all out of sugary goodness.
