5 Tips For a Safe Thanksgiving
Burns. Allergic reactions. Fires.
Thanksgiving is meant to be a holiday built on family solidarity, comfort food and relaxation, not anxiety and impending disaster. But when a whole group of people are in a small space like a kitchen, waving utensils and sharp knives around with hot ovens and stoves in the near vicinity, things can go wrong quickly.
Particularly when small children or pets are involved, someone can get hurt! But there are a few simple ways you can keep your loved ones safe:
1. Man the stations
If you’ve got an oven baking or something boiling on the stove, make sre someone is constantly stationing and keeping watch for potential grease fires or for kids touching hot surfaces. Ouch!
2. Don’t keep sharp objects out
There’s no reason to keep knives and other potentially dangerous utensils hanging around where they can fall or get into the hands of kids.
3. Keep it clean
An organized kitchen is a safe kitchen. Piles of boxes or trash or food spills can lead to accidents.
4. Check for allergies
Nuts, dairy, wheat… All are the makings of many traditional Thanksgiving dishes, but these are also leading food allergies. Check with your guests (especially children and elderly!) if they have any specific allergies before serving them.
5. Cozy and contained
If you have a fireplace or like to light candles around your home for the holiday, be sure to make sure your fireplace is blocked by a sturdy screen, and make sure candles are up high, away from kids, and not located near napkins or other flammables.