Did you know that the average family in America does over 300 loads of laundry per year? A typical load of wash costs about 68 cents; that’s a total of about $204 per year! But while socks may frequently go missing in the laundry room, that doesn’t mean your cash has to disappear in there…
laundry room
3 Tips To Organize Your Laundry Room
The laundry room is one of the places in your home that doesn’t quite get the tender loving care it deserves. It’s a shame, too, since the laundry room is super important in that it tends to hold a plethora of crucial household items (detergent, cleaning products, towels, etc.) as well as serves as the…
How To Set Up An Efficient Laundry Room
While rec rooms are bound to get messy, and mud rooms are inherently designed to get dirty, the laundry room is where things go to get clean – so it’s an ironic wonder that so many laundry rooms are in such a state of dishevelment. Sticky detergent spills! Whites and colors tangled together! Cracked bleach bottles…